Professional Sales Skills Training - Close Deals Faster
A structured sales skills course. Simple and efficient techniques for B2B and B2C sales. Sell anything to anyone.
Before we start this course
FREE PREVIEWNew Sales Mindset
FREE PREVIEWHow to succeed in Sales
The Sales Formula
The 5 types of sales representatives
The 4 steps to become a "trusted advisor"
Introduction to Section 2
Features and Benefits
The WSICAT card (Why Should I Care About That)
The SECRET or the 6 main reasons why people will buy from you
FREE PREVIEWThe SECRET: The First reason why people will buy from you - Stress
The SECRET: The second reason why people will buy from you - Ego
The SECRET: The third reason why People will buy from you - Cash
The SECRET: The fourth reason why people will buy from you - Risk
The SECRET: The fifth reason why people will buy from you - Expenditure
The SECRET: The sixth reason why people will buy from you - Time
How to use the SECRET with your clients
The importance of First impressions
The myth of being liked to close a deal
FREE PREVIEWProspecting: Pick the right prospect to maximize results – Who to target
Prospecting: Pick the right prospect to maximize results – How to contact them
Gate keepers – how to make them become your best friends and allies
Elevator Pitch or “how to get your clients attention right away”
How to schedule the first meeting with your clients
The power of using someone's name in business
Introduction of the section
Sell the problem you solve
The Doctor's approach
FREE PREVIEWPreparing your prospects for analysis - Small talk
Preparing prospects for analysis - Compliments
Preparing prospects for analysis - Final step
Becoming a great listener
Analysis - The 3 Step Questioning Process
Questioning not Interrogating
Confirming Analysis
The 4 types of communicators and how to identify them
Speak your clients language and adapt to their communication style
How to build and deliver an Impacting Sales Pitch
Handling sales objections like a pro
Handling Pricing and Pricing Objections
The Importance of following up
FREE PREVIEWThe 5 Stages of the decision making process
The Awareness stage and how to follow up
The Evaluation stage and how to follow up
The Decision stage and how to follow up
The Use stage and how to follow up
The Advocacy stage and how to follow up
The 5 Golden rules in Negotiation
The SCREAM technique to negotiate without discounting
Expanding the options to take control of the negotiation